Saturday, March 19, 2011


it was so very nice yesterday! aaah... absolutely love spring... well sad part is that spring break is over and i did absoultely nothing but work =/ so i have thought of something. i will do weekly blogs about... hm. anything? that interests me, i suppose. but i do need followers. how do i do such a thing? i actually opened up twitter and i have maybe four followers. hahah these things are so hard =/ hm... so what to do what to do... comment and talk about anything please =) im a great advisor about LIFE... if anyone needs advice im hither =) tootles for today... xoxo


  1. Finally, Pops, your first post...

    Now the unicorns can come out and THEN spring will be officially here.

  2. I hate spring. It's allergy season. And here in New York it's cloudy and rainy and humid and just plain gross.
